The CIRS Stereotactic Needle Biopsy Training Phantom is a disposable training tool and practice medium for mammographic needle biopsy procedures. The phantom also serves as an excellent quality assurance device for stereotactic systems and should be used whenever a new system is installed or repaired to ensure accurate needle placement. The phantom can be used to perform the localization accuracy test in the American College of Radiology’s stereotactic breast biopsy accreditation program.
Embedded dense masses and microcalcifications vary in size and are colored for easy visualizaion. Masses and calcifications can be biopsied multiple times.
The phantom body is shaped to represent a partially compressed breast. The phantom is made from a proprietary gel with a physical consistency similar to human tissue, surrounded by an elastic skin-like membrane. The material is easily compressed for optimum imaging.
The CIRS Model 013 Stereotactic Needle Biopsy Training Phantom provides a simple training solution for mammographic needle biopsy procedures.